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TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)
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TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)
SKU: 200-1002


This soy product - called TVP - is widely used in the food industry as an additive to ground beef products to help reduce costs while adding a healthy and high protein item to the food. Pound for pound, TVP has more protein than ground beef. For home use, it can be substituted (or added to) hamburger in virtually any recipe. To reconstitute, the dried product is added to an equal amount of hot liquid and allowed to stand for about ten (10) minutes. Plain water may be used or the flavor may be enhanced by using broth. TVP has a mild vegetable-like taste and aroma that is discernible in lightly seasoned dishes. Use level in fresh ground beef is approximately six (6) tablespoons of TVP with equal amounts of water, per one (1) pound of ground beef. Studies show a daily serving of soy helps reduce cancer risk and lower cholesterol. TVP is a bargain. A pound of dried TVP is equivalent to three (3) pounds of ground beef. Compare the prices!

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